Sonar Day 3

Time flies by. It has now been three weeks with Sonar,  and I have been inundated with projects, conferences and workshops. Hence the delay. There is one more post left in the Sonar series, my coverage of the +D conference, out in the next few days.

The final day had some great acts, but it didnt end mith a "bang" like last year when Skrillex headlined the fesitavl. It almost felt as though there was something missing. 

That being said, it was still great. For me, Icelandic rap duo Ulfur Ulfur (Wolf Wolf) were the stars of night. I was going to just pop in but I ended up staying for the whole show.  The guest apperance by Arnor from Agent Fresco was a great surprise too.

Ill leave you with the shots now.

Photography by Joe Shutter

For your enjoyment,

Joe Shutter

Sonar Reykjavik: Day 2

Better late than never. Usually, with time sensitive events such as music festivals, I try to got the material up as soon as possible. However, I have been very busy travelling around Iceland producing material for the blog. 

And so, here it is, my selection from Sonar Reykjavik.  Apparat Organ Quartet and the VaginaBoys were both fantastic, follow the Soundcloud links to get a taste of the action. Crowdshots thrown in for good measure.

You might notice the Haziness of some of the pictures. This was an artistic choice made possible by my Nikkor AF DC 135mm f1:2. Throw in the bright colours of the stage lights and it makes for some dreamy feeling shots. Read more about this lens here

Photography by Joe Shutter.

For your enjoyment,

Joe Shutter

Portraits from Sonar

With my professional responsibilities fulfilled, I decided to play around a bit with the crowd at Sonar: I conducted a small portrait project.

When I say small i mean small: only  15 in total. I shot them for black and white, because who needs colour anyway? It wasn't giving me anything.

It was short lived, and extended to day one only. I think i will try this for longer next time. Catching people while they were moving and getting consistent lighting for a constant visual signature was difficult. So difficult i didn't even manage: everyone was in different places at different times, different bounce lighting, sometimes none at all. Im rambling

I hope whovor sees the results likes what the see. Please comment and let me know which is your favourite and if possible why.

Photography by Joe Shutter

For your enjoyment,


Sonar Reykjavik: Day 1

Im taking a break from my regular blogging about my trips around Iceland, and Im going back to my photography roots: live concerts and music festivals.

Last weekend, Sonar Reykjavik come back into town for the fourth time, and the newspaper SKE had me down there to cover the action as well Sonar official.  

The clear highlight of the night for me was Reykjavikudætur, a 19-member all-woman outfit that fill the stage with energy and anger, the good kind. Spetacular as well was the  "All Inclusive" contemporary dance performance. I also caught Icelandic regulars Vök who are always great, as was DJ Julia Ruslanova.

I confess that coverage of day 1 was slightly limited due to being struck down with the common cold towards the later stages of the night. I opted for an early night in order that the second night could be more fruitful photography-wise.

Here are the fruits of my efforts from Day 1: Click on images to see larger versions

Photography by Joe Shutter

For your enjoyment,

Joe Shutter

Crossing Over

Crossing over from crystal is the source of the "crystals" from said beach: Jökulsarlon, or the glacial lagoon.  It doesnt matter how many times one goes there. its never the same lagoon. The sun rises behind you as you face the lagoon, and as it sets from the west, the low sun refracts through the blacks of Ice to spectacular effect.

You will have to imagine all of that for right now, beacause Frank and I were not so luckcy when we arrived. after our spectacular sunrise on crystal beach, the clouds came over and that was that. Here are results of our endeavours.

Photography by Joe Shutter and Rock Scissors Taper

For your enjoyment, 

Joe Shutter