For those that may be tuning in for the first time, I am Joe shutter: a blogger and photographer based in Iceland.
I pass on what I learn out here through my tailor-made photo workshops and tutorials. They can be as long or as short as my clients need them to be, and I always go the extra ten miles (or ten hours) to get the shots and get off the beaten track wherever possible.
If you are interested in a photo workshop/tutorial in Iceland, get in touch through my email ( ) or through my Instagram handle @joe_shutter .
Today, I have very little to say. I swung out one cloudy but peaceful Afternoon with my friend Sahara Rós (Sahara Rose, a desert rose, nice idea don't you think?) Sahara knows this bizarre little spot out in a suburb of Reykjavik and we went there one day recently.
There is also a strange procession of large aluminium sculptures with a path that runs through, each about as strange as the last. A little more research about them certainly wouldn't hurt. It will be updating accordingly.
In the meantime, here the results of that lazy afternoon. I do hope you enjoy.